Its almost OVER.. no, its ALL OVER !!

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Thanking all the readers who made it to approximately 6300 reads of this blog post, I say..
Its the time to bid farewell for my college days at VITBS and mylife@vitbs comes to an end !! I'm filled with mixed emotions as I shud be happy that we are done with our PG and sad that I'm going to miss many things and many people!!
No more mids n assignments, no more CAFA sir’s emails, no more emails asking: "FORM A GROUP", (which is really tuff time :P), no more presentations and
no more exams being student !!

This time I have no narrations about the classes, nor the events, nor the delegates, nor the mid exams, nor the Professors, nor abt placment ! But I have some thing that is always kept in corner of the mind, to give back to the peopl I was with !!

When written, its a normal thanks, but when felt its more than lots.. !
Jus like any where else here too I have seen many kinds of people. Different in styles, attitudes, behavior,mentality etc but here I found couple more with unique styles. They have their own style and others would love to be their friends and in their company. And some grab their attention with their personality and the way they communicate,some wit their COOL, some wit laconic style where as some with their verbose, the calm n quite guys, the super active people, the stylish chaps, the loverboys and many finance heroes too.. Nevertheless, every person is dear to me ! I'm happy for that !!
But as u know..., Where there is heaven-there is hell, Where there is fame-there is a blame.. so I found some idiots too. Even they do their best , in all ways and means, with childish attitudes. Still I enjoyed their presence, some times. Because life is all abt spending some time with kids, now n then, but irony is that few confused themselves from being childish and being childlike!  :O

The best time I had , from the Day 1 till the Days End, is/was @Food court :P Yes, inside and outside. No idea the no of teas n coffees I consumed here, the no of hours I

spent under these trees, irrespective of weekdays, mid days, satdays n sundays... jus to spend time wit friends,taking few pics with babu, and some other sit lonely, thinking abt myself  and many times giving some exercise to my eyes in the company of Deepankar and Shaan :)

The greeno where we celebrated Babu n Siva's bdays, Baali sir's and many other friends' too.The SJT ground, the less visited library, and mostly crossed Girls hostel,
the canteen lunch,the hostel enzo, the wifi, the continously watched movies, exchanged pen drives, meetings after dinners cursing the distance between L and SJT blocks, comparing the mess meals, hostel refund, the RIVERA T shirts, the group photos, the pani purichats,

the ice cream parlors, the flo,the egg sandwich at the main gate, treats at Red Chillies, Bengali restaurants, places like snooker, ALMART, n ac gym, and wat not...

Also the people like, the tt xerox akka who greets with her good smile, the sjt lift operator Lokanathan who definitely says "good morning sir/saapatiya sir", the VITBS attendars, DVP Bakery Hareesh, Foodcourt cash counter Siva anna. the watch men whom we daily see n smile at our hostel block and many who indirectly are part of our life@vit.. I am sure I wil be missing these places n these people..!

No one is exception when it comes to admiring the nature, and I am just another human being and lemme admire part of that beautiful nature..The Women ! ok.. VIT colors;) Will not be able to see the few (whom I come across in my way) any more, who pulled my attention some with their good way of talking, some other with walking, some more with dressing and very few with their beautiful smiling :) (Not going beyond this,) I wud definitely be missing THEM , I feel bad for that too :P:P

Wat ever, at the eod, friends always supported me, reminding me about assignments, tasks, presentations, bearing the my irritation and sharing my happiness and what not!
They are the best part in every pat I got and in every act I did!  Also, I am gifted with many people who were always with me when done some thing good, thanks to you for the support, the Sandeep n co, Avin n co., Ammu, Ajay n co, and etc..
Also to the people who hated me,Thanks +1 bcz jus like my friend, you always kept me in ur thoughts, day and night!

Stepping back to VIT at any time later, we can VISIT these places but cant RELIVE!! Its not merely about the places, but its all about the people!
the set of people whom we are with, will be missing; the batches that look/envy at you, though you hardly spoke!!
the person who always greets you hi, will nt be there; even if u stay one more day after every one left...thats wat will be missed...

Still,,, life has to move on ! Happy that I found few best Professors and couple of good Professors too. Esplly for that I would definitely be thankful to the girl who suggested me to join VIT :) I really had a good break, after 3 yrs of working, I cud come and enjoy some student life and hence its more difficult for me to go back ! But am going back with some thing apart from the degree and memories... its the confidence, I guess !!

Wish we all meet up here for the convocation some where in Sep 8 (!?!? wild guess). I wish people work hard n achieve wat they want, be it money or honey ! Keep it as my words...
1.BE GENUINE in what ever job you're, wat ever task you take'll naturally lead you to success !
2.Don't hesitate.
3.Never Say Yes when You Want to Say No. If not, u wil land up in troubles.
4.And the last one....EXPRESS! No 1 can understand you, unless you speak out !!

Trust me... IT works :)
for the time being..I remain !!

[couple of posts will be posted till the date we disperse!]


  1. The people here, the places around.., the bond we all shared.., though will be missed.., will definitely be in our memories life long !! :) I wish the connectivity amongst all of us remains tightened for long at least via MBA Buddies FB Group..!! :)
    Good one once again !! :) Keep writing Satya !!:) Would love to read your blog posts even after our VIT days..:)

  2. Yeahhh....I'm gonna miss all you people and all those wonderful moments....that will leave a big vacuum in my heart and it's hard to contend with :-(

  3. *Touchy * tho am not a part of it :P

  4. Haree,
    why u r not !?!?! U r surely part of it:)I meant all you guys whom v spent times in mess n DA block guys.. when I said Avin n co !! Its u , raghava, kaushik, Avin, Hari, Vinay .. :):) Will b missing ur 'funny but true' phrases n lines,in live. ofcourse u wil b tweeting..i Knw !!



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