my time for another bus..

Though I mentioned that the previous post wud be probably the last one, I cud not resist my-selves from writing one more. The reason being that my favorite place n position would always encourage me to write ;) I am sure once I leave this hostel room I am not going to get the same feel of this !!

Ofcourse days mit be/ yet to come, where I find such cozy n comfy position not for my butts but for my brains to drain it and write down sth, which makes sense. To dose who say my posts or FB statuses hardly make sense,I wud reply ':) read it one more time properly ! May be not now, but down the line its surely a memorabilia'

You wont believe if I say I have not written a single post of these ~60, sitting in other than in my hostel room. Neither from internet center, nor sitting in library, nor in my fav FC surroundings, nor at my home ! May be it sounds weird but when you start writing, you will understand whats d magic about PLACE. Huff..if has lots !!

Be it y first year N 104 room, or Second year L 612 first room with Shaan or the current E block , which ever it is., its the writing table that always accompanied. And now this post started eating ur time and u mit say., 'wt* dude, so wat shud I do !?!?!'  :P I am just trying to say that 'some times, even small things matter alot in our life'. 

And was also surprised to see the fast moving counter of the blog readers in the last few days, it was 6600 and today it was at 6843.Thanks to all dose distant readers., invisible followers.. (of the blog not me)!  May be people are just browsing it to know about VIT BS.., am not sure. Am not playing any role in encouraging or viceversa because my job is to share my good experiences:):)

And coming to this last week, today I gave my last exam of my MBA and student life, so far! Am not sure how my life wud go and which road I may take again ! So as of now , Risk Management in Banks is the last exam ! and I cud not do well :( Yeah its my fault, improper and incomplete preparation ! Its the same repentance story of every student once da exam is done.! because just on the day before exam we feel.., sorry atleast I feel.., 'this text book is awesome, Y dint I find it already!?! This url is superb, y dint I browse this during mid exam? and etc' And surely while writing exam I feel, 'When I knew these are the probably asked questions, Y dint I google them properly! I wish I am given a chance to google for 15mins during the exam ;) or some thing else like: this formula is pretty easy, cant I atleast memorize it !?!?!'  But after da exam, its as usual.'Done is done. Happened is Happened. You will get what u deserved, You will get marks proportional to ur hard work done and etc blah blah' During such moments.., I look at me and say 'bro.., lol..chalo.Log in to Facebook'.. hehe

The last few days were going on with the pending OD, Rural Marketing and CAFA exam along with the forms filling for our Original Degree, Letters for Course completion, MR report submission, Best student awards and all. I wished there was one more award along with the current one. Because I believe there are couple of others too..! Dont want to mention other names, but wud say BAALI deserves one :):)  (# hehe., Not xpctng for me.,I know I am not.There r BEST than I., #No offence. Don spoil my image by spreading rumors.Any doubts read above lines one more time)

Felt good when I saw the huge list of 140+ students of VITBS placed, but would be very happier if the number showed 50% more of it. I wish all deserved candidates get the placement soon. All d best guys.

I strongly feel some how or the other I can sustain in this world even if I am not given a job, I would get one with my interest of this. I feel I can travel across the states.. I mean Indian states and keep updating you all with all the experiences of my life,mingling around with people all over places may it be Gujarat, or North east, or busiest Mumbai or denser Kolkata, or God's country Kerala, trendy Goa, or mighty capital state of the country Nai Dilli, Gurgaon, Chandigarh ;).., provided you are in touch through any of the upcoming blog once I start it..,

Waiting for the bus to be taken., I mean the offer letter :) 

Wishing that I find a perfect place that can make me mentally peaceful to scribble down anything, but am sure its gonna be less frequent than this My Life@VITBS :(:(

Last lines for all dose who wanna grow in life(not just physically): Never assume every human being on earth is always speaking about you ! People have much better work than You. The less you bothered about people, the more you succeed. Focus on your task, it will lead to fruitful results.  # Ignore it ., if u knew it !

Signing off,
Satya_V.2.0  to Satya_V.3.0


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