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This part of life is the cultural fest, the last of my student life. Or may be the last ever where I can be like student, professionalism kept aside ;)

As any cultural fest at VIT, 'Riviera-2012' celebrations took a bang on Feb 2,Thu'day morning and lasted for 4days till Feb 5, Sunday night, with all its pro-shows, musical nights, events like fashion, fun, sports, cultural, literary clubs and so on. Students from 350+ colleges across India have come here to take part in this fest.  The TT and SJT were occupied with many events. Whilst the FOODYS was occupied by CRAZY game shows, painting competitions, and pottery workshops etc. GREENO was every day by dance and music bands. Even our MBA friend Rahul played few!  The Anna and Chenna reddy audi-s were fully crowded whenever there was an event, ofcourse since mid Jan when the preliminary, elimination rounds were taken place. During the fest even, it was equally busy !
The cultural events like Sahithi-the telugu ones, and few very good tamil events were also conducted ! I had been to 2 events! Two of my friends, Giri Raj and Tamil.K.Ammu, were the organizers, judges or I can say they are handling it all. The subject and the topics were so good, atleast once in a while every one should know how sweet our own language is ! Though I dont understand tamil, i could understand the emotional speakers! When it comes to be crazy for once own language, I say, they are at their best ! :):) Other dibet competitions of hindi, and other languages were also conducted. Also the student made paintings hoardings..

The main attraction of the entire fest was "Shreya Ghoshal", infact the only thing this time, I felt ! Aaah... the fest had one more jewel in the crown, the guiness book recorder! The American 3D illusion artist , Tracy Lee Strum ! Last time it was a sand sculptor and this time its the illusion artist. Wonderful chalk work on road infront of Hexagon block. There was one more similar dance floor kinda where most panjabi songs were played and the mob danced so perfect, till ppl like me messed it up :P:P
Wanted to be at many events but could not play a multi role like Lord Krishna to make my self omnipresent!:P

We also had workshops of Short film making, DJ workshop and few more ! And the place of gathering was the unused very bigggg lawn of VIT, for stalls and 2 dance floors. Yeah food stalls and fun games ! Every day ended with some or the other pro-show that started with fashion show or dance programs,DJs,rock bands from Canada and abroad, the Indian singers, musicians too !

And now, lemme come to the point.. to be true there was something missing in this riviera. Of course people who are here from the past 4-5 yrs, they would say ALOT !  The day 1 crowd was less when compared to the same day last year ! And the fun stalls, were only the students maintained stalls for all kinda games.. , it looked more like santhai/mandi/santha (an exhibition in village) Last yr there were many stalls like various garments,businesses and also a stall by NGOs, but this year all those are missing. We had food stalls more than the other stalls ! The only thing unchanged is the AIRTEL's events and its anchor !

Altogether it was less than expectations, every one knows it but no one tells it out ;) I could see a lot of cost cutting ! No idea what might be the reason, but am sure for some thing better they must be doing this. But am sure next riviera there would not be any scarcity for auditoriums, because SJT is coming up with 3-4 big galleries, and 7-8 smart class rooms in each n every floor, so it should n't be a problem !

The finishing element was the Val function where chief guests were Vettimaran and Arya, from Tamil film industry ! The ground(filled with ppl) was so happy and clapping to see the two ppl, national award winners. The anchors gave good intro abt those 2 for 10mns or so, but the chief guest spoke not even for that time they spent on him ! huh !

I really wonder why do they invite people from Cinema Industry !?! May be to show how beautiful our campus is and give it for shooting which may also help in good advertising!?! may be, thats quite good idea. But they can be invited for any other program in same cultural event, but not worth the Valedictory function!
I dont think VIT is no less capable to call better people in India or state ! Y cant we invite Chetan Bhagat? Its not more than paying Chiranjeevi's party fund,I guess! Ours would be one of those few colleges who invites such people,Y dont the organisers think about that? Even a ten mins talk by such people pumps in alot of inspiration, and the student goes to be with alot of satisfaction at the end of the day, planning some thing for his life way !

What else do these cinema people , that too youngsters say us, who are jus more than 5-6 yrs ! If its Kamal or Chiru or etc, thats different, because they have seen the life, lessons are need to be learnt from their experiences ! If at all they are particular about the guest, may be they could have invited a very good tamil writer or good orators. TN is no scarce for such good orators, I believe! Language is not a hindrance, the message is needed for the students ! In olden days, fun was limited and cultural events were like most awaited, but now...esplly in VIT...its all fun time. So good things can be said only when students gather at one place :P (provided this is what the mgmt wants from the Chief Guest !)

Al together, riviera 2012 was a Thumbs Down ! Nevertheless people got a chance to hear to the beautiful lady's sweetest voice... ! Yeah, she's awesome :P..
Ended our fest by the boring DJ Marina... thank god that some one told her to stop playing those unfamiliar english songs for which she alone was dancing ! and when she started playing Hindi songs and it was then the students started moving the hips,tapping and clapping ! Dada(joydeep) was the center of attraction for all the dance shows, any where :D

As usual it was my opinion , no offence meant. May be this is what one can think how it can be better next time ;)

'INVICTUScoming in March 2012. and VITBS is handling it! :O lemme c, I am trying to b in the journalism dept, no idea if they will select me, after reading these kind of frank posts of mine :P:P

always the same,


  1. U r ri8 satya in ur words...
    bt i feel few negatives can't make it a failure!!!
    i was jst der on da 1st days proshow dats all :)
    i luved it :)

    der r many extraordinary performances as per the reports from our friends and even externals :) so ur view is ri8 compared to last year...

    onethng i could see wth dis fests is.. only to get a Brand name for any colz for external polishng/// wer VIT is ahead one step and i thnk it is acheiving it :)


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