A thank you note !

I know some of you are waiting for some nice post inspite of mid exams, but I am so sorry for the delay!
The post abt "VIT hostels" yet to be started but I dont find my mind peaceful to write it :O

In the mean while lemme share the news about our blog !

In such busy days, hardly we find time to read an article. If its more than 5-10 lines most of the people don't read it. Even in such cases, most of you read these posts only because you liked it.., and am happy that I could make some body feel good atleast for the duration they read it ;)  And especially those ALL, who always read the post in the FB page the moment it comes...,  to the people who comment/feedback me online or in person, and also the very first readers:: I donno how to express my gratefulness, it gives alot of confidence to the writer when he/she knows 'some one is reading these', most of the times the posts itself energizes me! May be to all, I am mad or I am sick, but believe me , I am enjoying IT !

I am glad to say you that the blog has crossed its count of 5000 readers that includes each and every one who follow(ed) these 50+ posts ever since, 23rd August 2010, regularly/occasionally ! Am not saying its popular, (may not be,i don't know) but I can firmly say its only because of you guys :)

Thank you all for all the wishes,support,shares,encouragement,sms texts, phone calls,emails etc. Thanks for being with me.

Hope to keep my promise of posting anything valuable, for ever and also wishing it would be entertaining as ever !

always the same,
Satya Prakash.M


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