The D Day has come so faster....The End term Exams !!!

This part of my life is called Herculean task!  bcoz I'm writing such term end exams after 4.5 years :P
Its a very long gap any one can have. 

Its very difficult for me to sit n study, n cudnt study most of the times.
When we work we r adviced not to sit continuously n for studies we need to do xctly the opposite !! :( 

Some how managed to study inspite of loud discussions of my roomies n frnds !!

But have got another problem that I cant resist my sleep n cant reduce my sleeping time. (Shame on my part to say this :'( )   So some hw gone thru books n closed them by 12 or so n tried to sleep !!
things r nt in my favor.... the lights r still switched on n cant sleep !!

N wonderful thng is that I cant get up early n study . U give me  Rs.1Cr, still I cant do that. Its not that I love sleeping but I cant give up my sleep :D

Yo can imagine hw i studied wit such constraints.  :|

First exam itself is my favorite one....Accounts ;) :P

Done with it. N dont ask me how I performed coz.... I dont want to discuss. n fact is that I'm scared to know if my answer is wrong. bcoz it leads me to 'F' grade. (Got very less in Internals)

It was very difficult to sit for 180 Minutes n write....write....n write  :(

The story was same for the rest of the days too....MOB, BE, QTMD, LAB n Micro Economics.

Here I need to tell u the gr8ness of Satya, what he did in exam hall !!

I was drowsy was feeling so sleepy soo...sooo....!! Donno y. I started writing the exam n after 45 mins i started feeling sleepy. from 1030 till 1200 i wrote but it ws nt clear. I cudnt control my sleep. Finally got up when Major C Sekhar sir, reminded the time. only 30mins left. Now Satya started striking off the stock market sensex garphs that were drawn during the sleep :(

LAB exam was last one n completely application oriented n scribbled something !

God should save me . I wish he proves his existence during the time of my results.

5days holidays. Yet to submit SAC assignment.

Leaving for Bangalore tomo !! Hope my T2 wud be better than this :)

Signing off..
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  1. Stock market sensex graphs :) ;)
    It was good reading your blog...!!!
    Keep posting... :)


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