Post Midterm

As I told u, we are going so faster n faster that we came back to Gallery 2 to write exams. (ofcourse not every one)  It ws the place where we had the ice breaking session during first 3days.

The first exam itself is a big thing for me. It is called ACCOUNTS for MANAGERS !! :P

I am a big zero in that. I knew nothing of it. Only things I learnt during my BE was Balance sheet n few business terminology. But am very much interested in Finance n Business, as usual (Its in blood :))

So I scribbled some thing on my ans sheet, expecting I wil get some 15-20 out of 50. (Ashamed to say that, yet !!) But my paper was corrected by a strict Prof n gave me 3marks. Hmmm...u read it correct !! Only Three marks I got for 50. :D
He dint even give marks for minimum things lik ledger, Journal table. Generally ppl do give marks for them.

Its good that he dint give me such GRACE marks. I dont deserve them.
But I worried what may happen to my LOVE for FINANCE. I love FINANCE like how much I like FILTER COFFEE !!

Sorry , forgot to say marks of other people. If I dont say , they may feel bad when they read this.

Almost al got Worst marks. 13 out of 54 got above 25 marks. Few asked/bargained/shouted/pleaded at Prof to get few more marks. Its the other side of the story !!

The other subjects marks were also given sooner or later by the time End term exams started :P hehhe

LAB is the second one who gave marks. I shud retell the 4 letter word here. s...u r rit.!!! its SHIT !!!

Scored less in this too. Even this Prof is strict n correction ws lill strict. He predicted few students will get highest in final exams n they did so !! (Ma'm ji)

Micro Econ, BE , Quant n MOB are also given as I told.

Simultaneously we ppl r njoying in classes, outside classes in the name of Birthday parties, gatherings etc etc.

Its going good. n SAM(Prof) came to class n told us abt OBT(Out Bound Training) trip to HORSLEY HILLS.

We all r in holiday mood eagerly waiting for the HORSLEY trip to Chittor, AP !!!

Signing off..
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