Its the exams time... T3, 1st Year

Oh...its time to thank god that I have done almost my 1st year so soon. :P Infact its been 9months, yet I feel it went so soon. :)  Its all bcoz of the mid exams, Presentations, case study, quizes etc.

Day 1 : Marketing exam
Our T3 exams started today,i.e., 18th March 2011 at 930am, its marketing exam.  I was so scared as I dint study much. I shud nt speak lies. Infact, hardly studied any thing. I opened my book so many times but nothing was working out n gave it up. Thanks God, thanks to Gemini ma'm, the q paper was ok ok n I cud scribble some thing. Let me see hw the result wud be :P

The best part in today's exam was I mistook 10Mark question as 20Mark and spent much time on a Questionnaire asked to be framed !! hehe... realized jus aftre d exam ;)

Day 2: FM 2 exam.
It was a disaster. Almost every one did well except Satya :( Most of the questions were asked abt theory part and 3 direct prob were given. And I dint even do them :( Shame on myself. I hav done one prob perfectly but small logical difference made it go wrong :'(
Hope I get better marks, for the theory part I did, than that of mid term. It ws equally disastrous even that time:(

Day 3 to day 5:
The rest of the exams were MIS,SCM and deadly HRM. Thank god our HRM Prof dint give any MCQs again. I really got pissed off n lost my interest to study when saw my internal marks. Such less marks he gave. Ofcourse, he gives what we deserve, yet , I believe I deserve more.
I was one of those first bench guys who gives response to him most of the times. Thats of no use. Class Participation(CP) marks were similar to rest of all. It ws almost 8 for the entire class. Its unfair as the grading differs in those 1 or 2 marks. There shud be some difference between who participates n who do not ! rit !?!?!

Then comes the SCM. This Brigadier sir is a kanjoos, in awarding marks to students. Not only himself, its the similar characteristic with all these so called senior faculty. It hurts their ego,I guess, to award good n above average marks. Sucks this OLD ATTITUDE !!

Last but not the least, its Maran Sir's exam. God knows what happens. He is fair in awarding marks. He really teaches well. I mean it. The amount of info he gives is very good. Unlike few other Profs , Prof Maran speaks what is needed n leaves us when not necessary !! I have a 53 mark in internal. Expecting a better score in final too.

Thanks to God that we've finished exams and all my frnds left VIT Hostel campus after depositing their luggages in cloak room by 25,26 March 2011.

c u all my dear frnds...after 83 days :)

Signing off...
Satya Prakash.M


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