Struggle for Internship

                       Life is miserable -- Anonymous. Hatsoff to the person who said it.

Some times it sucks though it throws hopes to live happily. Of course the hurdles r common !!

 jiyo, jee bhar jeeyo... | Live life, King Size are the famous quotes we hear abt life... haha... Yes these quotes pump us some more hope to live n struggle for the existence !!

This part of my life is called SIP.  Infact its a small struggle when compared to many I faced, in life,so far !

It all started in January 2011.Jus like any other guy in the class, even I tried for a Summer Internship Program (SIP) with all my known contacts. I have groomed my contacts in TCS , few others too. I wanted to do my internship in a corporate in a finance team. It took me little time to realize that corporates hardly give any SIP now a days.Hence changed my focus to my other areas of interest like CRM,SCM. Approached few seniors also, jus to utilise my opportunity to do my SIP in TCS but is of no use :(

Here I faced 2 issues in this process..
1.Many ppl (whom I approached) tried. I troubled them with my email,still they enquired and gave NO. Am happy for dat atleast my frnd has tried. Regarding this thanks to Lakshmi, Srilakshmi, Phani Sree, Rakesh,my sister n jheejha ji etc
2. Few really don't bother (may be they are busy). Some people don't even respond. Ppl hardly have that CS factor to respond to the emails.
Sucks this attitude from experienced ppl in the industry. After all, our life is with emails right from morning...then are we too busy to reply an email to the one who asks for a help !?!?!

Simultaneously registered myself in many job portals to get one internship but many respond for a job as my CV shows some technical part at first glance :| Even I asked many of those for a SIP but saw their bare hands !!

Life is going equally worse with my other friends like Sonia, Babu too.They are also trying hard to get one.

One fine day spoke to one of my good friends, Phani Brahmendra, TCS Chennai. He adviced me not to get in to corporate as there wud be hardly anything to do. Hence focus changed to my other area of interest, it is STOCK BROKING !! :D

This brings me some energy, the very thought of it, itslef. I dream my self as if I were WARREN BUFFET, RAKESH JHUNJHUNWALA  ;) though I am not at all comparable. I love trading but I knew not even ABCs of it. So with my Dad's help got contacts of two companies in which one responded positively but for HR dept :( Then tried the only left as last opportunity. Thank God. It was available, but there is no team for training as such. I need to learn my self.

My struggle for searching one SIP ended here..but not the course !!

picture abhi baaki hai dosth... to  be contd in my next blogpost...

Signing off...
Satya Gupta.M
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