Its about our BAALI ji....

A happy bday token to Mr.Ajatashatru :):) We wish u celebrate and lead 1000s in future !!

This part of my life is called Interaction.

Yes..the interaction with my classmates. Ofcourse I do that right from Day 1. But this post has got some one special to be talked !!  That is Mr. Baalaji Vaidyanathan Iyengar.
Like the name the profile is also BIG !!

This person can be truly called the Encyclopedia inch by inch. Wah... kya brain hain. He speaks alot. I mean he knows many things. When I said MANY...I really meant IT !!

Give him any topic on earth, there is atleast little that he knows..he makes a sensible speech,atleast.

Till the day the batches were shuffled during Jan 2011, I dont know who he is. I hardly knew his existence. But the moment I spoke to him I became a Favorite of him. He looks so calm n pleasant.He speaks so nicely to any body. May be the experience brings this perfection or I guess he is like dis since childhood :)

This Saturday when the meeting of VC was cancelled I guess myself and Sonia were so lucky that we had a long chat with him. Wow... He speaks about temples, Gods, mythologies, places, technology, studies, research. He is not just bookish.
Other thing he loves is the cricket. U may find another Harsha Bhogle in this fellow.
One more is the movies and his interest for songs,music esp:Ilayaraja's tracks.(This guy is a great fan of Raja sir). He speaks alot about the technicality and techniques of the movies and the way they are taken. Not just Tamil, south Indian movies but also the European(includes English), Hollywood, Asian includes Serbian movies too.. :). Also speaks about the Garudapuranam, biology, the egyptian mummies...and What more and what not..OMG !!

When I said 'He speaks alot', it does not mean just a talk but going deeper in the subject. He speaks the crux of the matter. He captures it.

He has got a group of friends. I think they are the most luckiest guys always being in the presence of Mr.Baali Sir (I call him so). When I asked one of his closest buddies Pushparaj, 'Is there some thing that Baali doesn't know?', he smiles and replied 'Yeah, its Mathematics' :)

The reason what makes, most of the colleagues/students/friends like/admire him very much is his humbleness. His polite way of answering to peers/juniors/superiors. He resembles me Rajnikanth in this aspect. Ofcourse this is what makes such people closer to the hearts.
'Even if he wants to scold his pals, he does it in a polite way',says my friend Abhishek Das. During the group presentations, I like the way Baali connects every one of his team, every now n then, to make it a succesful task.

This was my, may be the, fewth of such chats I had with him, I always wonder : "How many hours per day does this guy have?!?!"

This is much less to say about him but will get back in some other post. The motive of writing this is not to popularise him ;) but to let the people know that such great personality exists around us. Also this is the Baali what we knw.... :):)

We might be surrounded by such personalities around us, in other sections too, so people please open up and speak to all. So that we can know what you ARE !! :)

Many thanks
(for my other posts please see the archive to the right)


  1. he is too good yaar !!! i too interacted with him some times n found him very interesting !!! n wen ever i need his help he is just a call away from me !!! so sweet of him !!! i adore him !!!

  2. So true.. we consider it our privilege to know such a wonderful and humble person like Baali Sir...
    We can truely call him a Gyan sagar :):)

  3. really,,, he is so down to earth, that once u talk 2 him,, u 'll b further forced 2 talk 2 him... n u 'll alwaz find a cute smile while he is responding u..such a gr8 person.. :)



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