its over....T4 :|

This part of my life is called FEAR ! Fear of not any one but fear to face few things in life ;) That is the departing !!

Yes its end of T4, we all will be here for just 6more months. By the mid April 2012, most of us would be leaving the University and this makes me :'(. Because I am getting more attached to this place now. I wish I had been here since some more time :P. Some body may suggest me to do Ph.D or etc here, but that's not what I can enjoy, the entire batch and the set of people, is needed for us to stay with the same memories!! wat say!?! ha!?!

We have enjoyed/spent all our first 9months of stay here in TT class rooms, where most of the after class time spent in FC and premises. Most of us had good memories and gud time spent there ;). Later we have been shifted to SJT since June 2011, since Final yr started.

When ever I go to that FC, alone, I feel I am back to a place which I left years ago :P. Yeah, u also can try this. U get the memories rolling in ur mind,fighting wit every other memory to be the first one !! one, two, three and dey keep on coming, infact taking u bak in the Time machine. They are end less. Many moments  like may be it is the assignment submission, PPT making or copying the WAC,SAC etc work, doing ppt for marketing and what not. Most of the evngs wat I did was eating a puff and having a tea, giving poses to the new mobile cam that Babu has purchased and planning to study news paper [which is futile,nt accmplshed till date :( ] !!

These all are not seen in SJT campus :( but a different experience in this building. We suffered wit lack of proper canteen till mid July ! Later when it was relaunched, it became our ADDA !! Most of the MBA students pass time here and near nescafe kiosk. Another problem in this year is we're been in to different electives and hence no proper timings for most of us to be together !! Hence most of the students are either in class room or staying back in hostel room.For girls its pretty ok as they jus walk to the hostels near by,  but for all boys who stay in L block its too bad :(. And the inconvenience caused for the Day Scholars like Babu, Baali n co, I need not explain.., its pathetic !!

The 'FREE WIFI' in the campus, gave happiness to the students. We submitted the applications in last moment and luckily got it :D. Imagine, I got Rs.300 from Univ'sity :P !!

During the last moments, we successfully over came the big time challenges like ppt of Asok Sir and SFI assgnments, term end submissions of ERP n DW, hard to listen: SAPM classes, always theoritical: APM n CMFS classes,but really miss those all time funny FOM classes :P

In short...T4 is the time when....we enjoyed, 
we spent in class n canteen, 
we worked hard [;) its a lie],
we read biz newspapers [jus subscribed;)],
we organized ISPAC, we gave MID exams, 
we spent time preparing for campus tests,
we seriously discussed selection of electives for T4 n T5, 
we eagerly applied for free wifi, n also for the hall ticket ...!!  

At this moment, I wish you all get good external marks!! Good luck for T4 end exams from Sep 10,2011. Anyways u guys r not like me... u shall stay awake atleast during term end exams,unlike me, to score more ! Lets all wish for the better faculty in few subj which we really LOVE to pursue !!

[for all other posts since start of T4, refer to last 9 posts]
always the same...
satya.m.p'akash :)
[pl check one of the below reactions]


  1. Hey.. U know wat.. The fear u talkin about was lingering rite here dis morning.. Gosh i share dat wid u as well.. !!
    Seriously wateva we say, we surely gonna miss the time gone by sumtime in our lives ahead.. So for the leftover time here, lets just make it BIG.. !!
    Well,, for the rite up.. As always good job Satya but u cud avoid being so harsh on evaluating urself buddy.. ;)

  2. We are really going to miss this place.. Becoz college days are unforgettable... And your words portray all those memories so well... All the best for T5.. Keep blogging...


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