Get , Set .... GO !!!!!!!!!

This part of my life is called WAR 2. Yes its the war with books and facing the Exams ! Trimester 2 exams.

Jus took my hall ticket at 12 noon in VITBS office.
People r rushing to hostel rooms to resume the studies n I'm chatting in cafe wit a TEA, whcih I luv :)

Heard that IB internals were given too less. Of course its reflection of what we perform. Shud nt xpct if we had nt worked :P  I believe in this principle.

I haven't started any thing so far. yet to start my Marketing syllabus now, post lunch.

I wish all my classmates do their best in the forthcoming exams n have nothing for Supplementary !!

With my low internals of 44 out of 60 in MMTC, I have to put more efforts in my external exam.
I wish PHILIP KOTLER wud help me in my tomo's exam  :D

Happy reading guys.......

Last but not the least:  Forget the internal marks, put ur best...Do well. Write what u know, relevantly !

Have the fire in the belly and lets make T2 a happy ending !

Signing off
Satya Prakash
(for my other posts plz scroll up/down)


  1. Way to go buddy !! Nice read.. N all d best to u too for the xams.. Hope the year ends on a High for all here at VITBS.. :)


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