Progress of the war....

As I told you, the war has started today 10th dec, at 930 AM , officially in TT, VIT Univ :P

Here I update the day-to-day progress of it !!  Plz do chek it daily.

13th Day of december:   Day 4: OR

Exam was good. Will not be getting centum but comparatively satisfied. :)

12th Day of december:   Day 3: Macro OB Exam
The climate is bak to normal... Normal doesnt mean its easy ! :)

Thank God they asked us to write only 2 - 15 mark quests instead of 3 - 10mark quests :P

Hands were paining so badly after writing lengthy lengthy stories for every question.

Objective type quests were there n i cudnt do well. I cud nt take part in the cooperation in exams hall. :(
Was sitting in 2nd row :'( hence cant ask any one for answers.

Had gone thru 3 chapters in Text buk n few slides. I have learnt one more lesson that I learnt all these years of education :: " Study daily, get the essence of lessons on the day they r taught "

If I had studied I wud have done lill better than this :D

c u tomo...
Signing off..

11th Day of december:   Day 2: Finance FM 1 Exam
Alas !! I cudnt do that :(
Disaster for me !! Had few hopes I mit do well..but no way !
Q paper was set by Seetaram Sir I guess so. Its only he can set in such a way. (Am not complaining.)
Giving the student the feel of gaining marks n letting him loose in the same question. :'(
Yes... I have not expcted there wud be any 15 Marks questions. n these quests are partitioned in to 2 mark 3 marks 6marks 7marks too. Even if I give one part of it, I am not gonna secure complete marks as I need to attempt  the 2 & 3 marks too.

So bad... I was not satisfied atleast for 1 question.
My other frnds say case study was lill bit ok. but even there I had to face s*** !

I have gon e thru the chapter Capital Budgeting for few hours but cudnt recall the imp formule n finally ____ in exam !!
MCQ s were a bit ok. 75 % I used my brain n answered, 25% of them I used my luck on probability !! all flukes...
All together my performance was BAD.

Post Mortem:  As the total trimester was of very less time, students wil not hav enuf time to go for extra studies apart from prof teaches in our class. The time is too less n quest paper is of IIM standard :( 
Ofcourse its our duty to study out of box, yet we need some more time. not jus 2 mnths trimester.
Question paper was good, but I didnt do well !!
This is wat I feel.

Signing off..
c u tomo
10th Day of december:   Day 1: Marketing Exam

The Q paper is too lengthy. Infact, the answers too. It needs a lot of energy to think as well as to write.
Hands n fingers are paining so badly. Mental & Physical pressure  :(
Every question needs an example and application. Hence it took lot of time. And hence scarcity of time.

Had it been 4, to answer out of given 6 quests , it wud have been apt. I feel so.
In such case we(I) cud hav justified the 20M case study too.

One calculative problem is given. Calc MP and TP.  Very easy one yet I commited a mistake :(
Most of the people came out with some sort of satisfaction...I guess people reached the excellence in Story writing.

Had a long nap after food in my hostel mess.
Hoping for the best... am moving forward to study FM. Its 430 PM and not yet started.
C u tomo ....

signing off..


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