Its recruitment time...........

 Its Placement time in VITBS !!

Hope every one is ready to hit the target CAMPUS PLCMNT. I wish you give a tough time for the examiners and interviewers with your best performances across. Here I have few things to share with u guys..

Dos n Donts:
  • Read carefully how much is the negative marking for each question.
  • Read question quickly but comprehend it simultaneously.
  • If you are not able to solve the first 5 questions from starting , stop there and start from last question.
  • If the question is too lengthy understand there is some time killing part in that.
  • Never ever CHALLENGE the question. If it takes more than one minute to strike your brain, go to next one,
  • Dont fall in love with the question which may make u solve leisurely.
  • Dont take to ur EGO if u cant solve a question.
  • Dont attempt all questions. Dont go for lottery in more than 2-3 cases.
  • Go for fluke only if u r in dilemma  that 2 out of 4. Ex: I may feel A or C is answer among A, B , C, D. (2 out of 4)
  • At the end of the day, they MAY check not only the marks but also the ACCURACY. So the less mistakes u commit, the more accurate u R !!
  • Frame the equation carefully such that ur answer wil arrive in no time. Esp, problems like AGES,WATERTANK,AVERAGES etc kind of !!
  • Always remeber, ~10% i.e., 3-4 qstn will be like substitue the choices and u arrive at rit answer.
  • Even if u cant answer 7 questions at a stretch, dont let the bloody NEGATIVE element creep in ur minds. U still have 28 Marks in ur hand. Imagine... u can still leave 5 more question to reach the probable cut off !! (not predicting, take it for ex.)
take care while: 
  • Carry a pencil though u may give a test on Computers.
  • Carry 3-4 choclates to give u instant energy. 
  • Make sure you attempt all sections reasonably. Dont jus go behind your favorite verbal or quant !
  • Attend 2 sets of DI must n shud !
  • Please dont present ur selves in jeans, esp girls ! I have seen few during Beroe ;)
  • Catch hold of news paper.
  • Try to shoot in first 90 secnds. Make atleast two attempts to speak, even in the worst case scenario.
  • Make sure you speak relevant examples. justify why u r speaking that.
  • Worst case, let others give a chance to speak.
  • Don't dominate the show. It wil select you neither.
  • If psbl remember names and address by name.
  • Show your leadership skills by giving chance to less spoken guys !
  • Use cordial words. No harsh words,"I COMPLETELY DISAGREE !!" Plz..dont do that !!
  • Becoz at the eod, in GD u r not gonna solve the India-Pakistan prob over Kashmir or Euro crisis etc. U r just giving ur opinion :)
  • Jot down the points thru out the GD, urs or others' !
  • Observe the moderator when he/she will be about to ask 'summarize', n u start saying 'lets summarize' ;)
  • Try to make the summary.
  • Be dignified in and around the interview premises.(I know u all r dignified, yet.... !!)
  • Dont ask the candidate who came out of panel: what happened? 
  • Give firm shake hand. Girls: give it complete. Not a half one or only with fingers !!
  • Communicate properly. Make it short n simple. 
  • Plz dont start with negative answers.
  • Strictly avoid 'U know , u know' way of speaking.
  • Be ready with a good question to ask at the end of inetrview, apart from asking "When is the result, how did I perform? Should I wait outside etc kind of!!"
  • MUST/SHUD:  Read that day's newspaper. 
  • Don't operate mobile too many times.Better keep in switch off mode.
  • Look presentable.
  • Go thru the visiting company's website.

Most imp:  If u believe in God, pray him.  Don think about the result. Its God's duty! We r managers, Let him do his work, :)

Last but not the least, Remember
  • "Victory bows at ur feet when u had done enuf hardwork and are least bothered about IT"
  • Be the same XYZ u r, even after TCS,Capital IQ,BEROE or sthn else interview results.
  • Worst case even if u r not selected... remeber "It is not the only organization on earth". Thank them if they dont select u. It gives u a lesson to perform better next time. 
  • "Never let your victories go into your head and your failures go into your heart".
  • Every thing Happens for a reason...
Wish to c u all come out with flying colors.
Get.. Set ..Go!!!
PS:  Strictly from my own experiences and my awareness. Not copied from anywhere !

Tq all..
Satya P.Mittinti
feel free to share,if u think its ncsry !


  1. All the very best for all the participants who are appearing for TCS n Capital IQ :)

  2. Nice work satya..keep it up! :) Thanks for ur guidelines and support.

  3. Nice....enjoyed reading...U deserve some appreciation for taking pains to put an article as good as this !!

  4. Really a wonderful piece of work. I have no words.. your flow of thoughts and ideas are wonderful. Thank you for this detailed list of dont's and do's.

  5. really very nice ..... thanks and all the best :)

  6. it was really good......all the best to u too

  7. Satya, i seriously bow my head for the work u have done in giving us the input for the placement......but even work on how to prepare, that would insight make a candidate to gain some sought of confidence .....depending upon the company that is cmg just through a glance on the topics to be prepared....

  8. Very always from the great DOCTOR :-)


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