its been an Year !!

Its bday time :)
Its been 1 golden year I created & started writing this blog. My blog of this abt "MY LIFE @ VITBS".
It was a great coincidence that I started this, last year, on the day of my parents' wedding anniversary :)

Taking this as occasion I thank every one of u for ur encouragement with ur compliments and suggestions in the name of feedback ! I thank for the support. U may b wondering what sort of support, its nothing else than the time I spent(d) wit u guys in university.
Almost everyday I have been learning a lesson, added fun to that and excitement abt what may happen in XYZ's class :P.
Always ready for accepting the criticism too. Hence expecting alot of feedback ...
U can give feedback with out any id, select ANONYMOUS in the dropdown after any post.

I wish next year by this time this blog wudnt be this active as it is now, but u may find posts hardly any !! It doesnt mean I quit from blogging :). U r promised the same entertainment n fun u feel (when u read my posts), but in other posts n blogs !!

"FREAK" !?!?! is this wat u wanna say me !?!? ;) Hehe... 'YES, I am' :D

Down the line, I wish u can recollect, ur MBA days, thru my posts. Even if u forget, I wil remind ;)

Once again thank u guys...

Always the same..
Satya Prakash.M


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