diD earth rotate faster or some1 FFWD??

This part of my life is called "The Last But One"... Last but one of the Trimesters.
The moment u saw the post, u mit have felt,'this fellow posted at the start of T5 saying- "It's slower than ever" and now he is saying "it went so fast", has he gone crazy!?!?!', Am I rit !?! :D Ofcourse u can think so, bcz its over so soon.

It started the moment we all got busier when even the so called free sessions of wed'day morning started getting packed up with some or other classes of MCO or PM.

Though it went slowly, we gave mid exams so soon for the reason being half of the time went in Diwali holidays, and then photo sessions ! :P The mid exams stretched to almost 10 days killed most of the time. Later which we hardly left with any time. Then started the rushing for every thing.

HDFC, Prodex, Beroe,Waterhealth, CTS, ING VYSYA, BLUESTAR, ICICI Securities, ICICI TN...

We dont have enough time to go to classes, hence we got OD almost for every placement we attended. In the mean time Banking classes are conducted more in number. It was like hangover for a person who can take only one peg ;) And then the Profs are no less than the management ! They have their own problems :(
Mgmt pushes them, in-turn they rush us...finally we get crushed by all. mean while comes the PAT officer too.

Some where in between were announced the T4 results which I n we dint worry any more !
And some of the days when we have a placement, there comes a beautiful email 2 days earlier... REGISTER!! We rush-to internet n push the records in yahoo mail database. we do cv preparation, formal dress, everything set ready for interview...sit in Gallery for PPT , where we 150+ ppl wait long time to welcome Chennai campus ppl who always cum at 11am, for whom we always gather by 9am sharp :D  Later when we pass thru Apti and GD then I realised, 'oh shit ! i dint prepare anythng for the final interview :('

Yes, I am not sarcastic. But truth to be told. We dont have time for that. Most of the time is spent in chatting/enquiring/gossiping which company gonna come. The moment we get 1, we say a 'hurray', not for the job but just for a REGISTER UR SELVES email also :(  Current situation is like dat !!
With all these things apart from attending classes with unreasonable/unutilized breaks, where do we have time for PROPER preparation ??? (not xpctng quotes like, u have time from nit 9 to mrng 7 :P)
Added to that...if God is great, hopefully the profile would match with what you wanted or else, it may say excatly the profile which you never wanted to ! :(

With these many things around, it really went so faster that we forgot to check whats date today !! For the guys esp in FOREX 2 and MPF, SAP its truly HELL !
Assignments, class quiz 1, 1st reviews, mid term marks,term end submissions, printout, slides, sliding under doors, viva, charts preparations, case discussions, quiz 2, ctm, tm, banking,pm,dm, cm,crm,npd,b2b, ist, sdm,mco,isa,bi,fem.....hufff.... omg... I cant bear this(is that wat u saying??) !!  Then tell me, are nt we going faster !?!?!

With all these tough waters, we some how SWAM across all these and happily gonna attend our T5 term end exams.  At the end the trimester gave so many cheers, tears and fears too :(  Still we all are ready to face every thing, bcz we know we gonna ROCK IT !!

Thanks to CEO ma'm who gave hall tickets with her kind heart as always! But this time did u observe, she is cool when she was giving those !! Its was her bday itseems :P
Exams start at 9am and 4pm. No matter what, u give me a Million rupees, its toughest time for a person like me who cant wake up till 9am, also where I cant have tea before 4pm , nor i wil get after 7pm in SJT canteen ;) hehehe...

All the very best to one and all. Rock the show of winter season exams.

May be this is last post of T5, I do... next wud be probably when u cme bak in 2012 ;)

Love all,
always the same...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hehe...Satya nice one..
    cm, pm ,dm,tm...lolzzz
    I am also a victim of FOREX2 n MPF..:P
    but this T5 was very spl to me..
    last day when Nagendran Sir told that its his last class seriously yaar......:(
    want to rewind n play it..

  3. satya y u left tcs n capital iq..:p

  4. Great one Satya !! :) We enjoyed both the extremes..,lazy during pre-midterm n busy during post midterm phases of T5...It's over just like that..!! Hmmmmm..., we shall welcome 2012 n T6 with the same zeal !! :)

    Wish you and all your readers n followers good luck for T5 exams n forthcoming placements !! :)

    Keep writing Satya !! :)

  5. This trimester was indeed a hectic one.. a cocktail of good and bad.
    Your blog was a wonderful refresher, of what we had experienced in T5:):)...

    And yes we were indeed moved by the Vote of Thanks of many faculties.. Nagendran Sir, Maran Sir and esp., Sreeram Sir:):)

  6. Nice one Bro...!!! :) :-) ALL D BEST for T5 Exams.. :)

  7. We will tell the warden to arrange for the TEA :-0


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