VIT MBA Placement 2012- ING VYSYA

At the stroke of midnight hour, it was not only that India had got independence but also the VITBS students were selected for  ING Vysya ;)

The recruitment process was lengthier so as my this post ! Kindly bear with that !

Though the day started quiet n calm it continued with a haze and prolonged wait ! The twistING of ING started with the finshING of the PPT- Pre Placement Talk.
Scene 1:
All the students were shocked, though some felt happy,for their poor apti, while many felt bad as "preparation for apti is of no use and GD scares me alot!!" The day before when myself, Naren, Hareesh.e were discussing how can they conduct GD at first place, we literally ruled out this option but in reality it came true !$!
When they uttered 2 letters- GD, I had to utter those 4 letters.. ! Has ING gone nuts? 200+ participants,how can they conduct GD with atleast 15 mins spent for every team and only 1 panel!?! huh...
Hatsoff to them, they did the same !
Scene 2:
They proved bankers are stingy... only 3 resources have come from the ING. These 3 were conducting 17 rounds of GD with 10-12 ppl in each batch starting at 1130 till 430 or so in the evening.
I was surprised when neither Sendil(my cr) nor Raghava Sabbela's names were not shortlisted in GD :( They have done really good. Rather, they have selected a calm quiet girl who hardly spoke once :|  It was a shock. Same thing happened when Sonia ji said me, Sunil was not shortlisted in GD :(  "@#$ If not him, who else can be!?!? Every 1 in VITBS knows what Sunil is,wrt GD!"  That was so unfortunate of ING :( They missed him !
Later I got another shock that few of my friends were eliminated in the PSYCHOmetric test !! Alas ! It proved a PSYCHO test. So far I've never seen that this wud be an eliminating round. But am saying it sure, they missed Deepak. Ofcourse, he deserves more than that. He is a finance expert ! Need not wonder one fine day he leads the investing wing of ING VYSYA India. :) (absolutely not exaggaration)!!
Scene 3:
I was through in the PSYCHO test by 6pm and my interview was jus way ahead , may be in 150-200 mins :P  And am such a lucky guy on earth, I am caught with cold jus before that interview:). As I was already sure about my willingness levels and the interview process, I dint carry my file nor my CV. Then I had to rush to room to get those 2 along with my cold tablet !:D
After sneezing badly, dozen to half , my eyes went red and completely strained. And it was funny,few people misunderstood I was crying ! :P (wt..y wud/shud I)
The day was going so slowly as if entire day was **GU sir's class ! So slow so boring. Added to that absolutely no coloring in sjt. Its holiday time for VIT :(
Scene 4:
One of the very first guys were this Narendranath. He has done well n left. But u shud have seen him how many times he called me about the result ! :D
It was like "Enter The Dragon", candidates are not coming out that soon. Almost 20-30+, for Kushboo it was for ~50mins itseems. :(  Good that she enjoyed it anyways !
Then went the Chennai campus guys, then Mr. hareesh, then rwitanick ! ha.. got to say something here.
This is the only guy who told me, firmly, in the morning itself,'If I sit for this, I am going to get it! But I dont want'. And its not surprising...HE DID IT !! Such a confident guy..he is ! hatsoff dude..
inner satya feels...
Jokes apart, I really felt unsatisfied with the way they conducted the interview. Y the hell on earth wud they need to spend this much time for GD? n only one panel?
Also people were eliminated on weird reasons of PSYCHO test !
The day was dragging as there was only 1 panel. Very lately they started with 2nd panel. They cud have done it since starting itself, rit !?!?! huh...
Scene 5:
Offlate when they realised they need to give work to the lazy buggar sitting, Mr.Xmas of their team, thats when they randomly gave 4 applications...LUCKY GUYS.. to evaluate those candidates. I was one among them. Have their brains dint work till our PAT officer offered some snacks? 
After Ravi shankar, it was me who were interviewed by this so called XMAS XYZ.. Staright away he started yelling at me for my beliefs. Yes..religious beliefs. And moreover saying 'I am not a muslim nor alquieda, dont think so'  I felt, "ducker, wat is he trying to say?" I forgot his name or else wud have made him run in search of his ancestors' where abouts!!
Nevertheless, I was just answering. absolutely no loss of temper. Then faced some more wierd quests for which his face was like as if he mixed phenol in vodka instead of sprite!   lol..
Then he got to say me indirectly that I am not as he is looking for, for which ,I was pretty happy that he understood I am not here purely for sales.
After which this idiot went for a long drive till main gate to smoke n came bak at 1125PM.
Scene 6:
Then it was almost around 1230 , Dec 6 2011 ! My mobile has been receiveing calls from Naren, seeming so hungry abt the result !!
After HR's continous negotiations with a prospective candidate,(ofcourse negotiations failed) , HR has announced the highest count of ING visited campuses, so far in this academic year ! It was 15 !!
Being aware of my result when my day started, I still had to be eager just because of the reason my friends like E.Hareesh, Naren,Reshma etc many others were also waiting.
Last but not the least 2 persons r to be mentioned..
Reshma is one girl who can proudly say I DID IT !! She is one of those who attended CTS the day before and could not convert it, but she made it on the very same day in to another organization with better package!! Guess the fire was still burning n thats what made her DO IT, GO for IT and GET IT!!! Hatsoff Reshma...
Next, its Mr.Parthiban, my ex roomie !! Initially eliminated in PSYCHO test, n requested them to give a chance to prove himself and he DID IT!!Guess HR must have cursed the server for such mistake:D Parthi...u have tasted the fruit of success for the hardwork u've done all these days !
btw, just felt like sharing this. pl don't misunderstand that a candidate is going behind HR, it was the other way around :D ! Wat all u see may not be correct, all that glitters is not gold. There are people whom HR's crave for recruiting. We should feel proud v have ONE SUCH !!

It would have been a big n perfect mess up, if Kalaivannan and Bharat Karunanidhi had not been there to assist ING Team. Thanks alot guys, from the bottom of my heart !

I am sure the missing of ING has left a BIG fire in the bellies of all those finance BIG HEADS, now making them ready for the WAR at battlefield ICICI SECURITIES.......

The day ended with claps, happiness, cheers n tears!!
Thanks for me, I am not selected. I knew it. Hence no regrets ! I wish I have an answer to knock back to that Xmas and tell him, 'knock-knock' ;)

At the end of the day the take away was:  Every thing happens for a reason same old dialogue :D

(to be contd....)

the never ending saga....
always the same,,


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. No words SP....waited one whole day for it, thanx for bringing it very soon and feeling sorry for your quality time which u r using for writing for people like me but i need to say, ING team must have a look on this to know n regret that they missed some of above mentioned PLATINUM students.

  3. hey satya(hope u dnt mind) was nice reading ur blog!!! its amazing how u can describe a simple scene soooo beautifullly!!!! keep up d gooooooood work!!!! may be one day il alo start blogging!!!!

    ashita :)

  4. Nice article...loved reading as much as U would have enjoyed writing it :-)

  5. Guess this is what is called written commentary :D... A synopsis of the entire day has been presented so vividly by you....Hats off!!!!!


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