I felt its necessary... The GD & PI Basics in Campus Recruitment

The moment u saw dis, mit be your response, 'y is he bothered?'... but I really felt I got to help many of my friends esplly and only regarding GD. Pl dont go ahead if you've good GD skills.This is not a full fledged tutorial but few points which can atleast make you walk to interview...

Very first thing we need is, to keep ourselves confident while sitting in GD.
The moderator has got no other work than observing the way WE ARE. They observe from hair style,nails,fingers,how u keep your hands , esp eye contact.
As I already mentioned in my prev posts, make the first attempt in first 90 seconds.
Most of the guys I have seen, have lots to speak. Only thing is they have to speak out.

Tell me guys frankly, when wil u speak? U cant speak after MBA, rit? This is when it is necessary. U have to put down your point. The moment u hesitate the person sitting next to u with better voice keeps shouting. even u hav that better voice but why r u stepping back? why r u hesitating? are u asking his salary? absolutely NO. Its same thing for him n u, its the JOB at the EOD. U have to grab your pie. may be its your frnd. Quote your point !! but dont sit back. We are no more MK Gandhi to be peaceful. ofcourse he is MASTER!!

So lets do these one by one...
  • Comb ur hair n keep face fresh, b4 u enter the room.There's nothing wrong if u comb there infront of yo frnds ;) Its all abt impression.
  • Please carry a white paper or ask the moderator.
  • Atleast act u r jotting down other's points.
  • Maintain eye contact, not wit moderator but with the candidates.
  • Observe keenly. Focus on point and stand to support it or oppose it. May b u donno anything abt GD topic, still u can do it. Catch it where it has to be caught !!
  • Don't point at any others. May be u can gently say, this is my opinion.
  • Use words like I beg to difer, I would like to add etc
  • If u dont hav anything to say, think in different perspective.
  • Trust me, 80% times the guys who make a new dimension are IN ! I myself is an example.(Shall not tell that story now, don worry ;))
  • Dont wait till the speaker completely stops bcz, one who starts wud never wanna stop. So start it when he makes considerable amount of delivery.
  • Give chance to less privileged if at all u run out of points.
  • At least make 2-3 attempts in 5min GD.
  • Observe if moderator is there or not. Better don make any imp points when she goes around ;)
  • See if we r deviating from topic. lead the team. But unnecessarily don't say ,'Guys, v  r deviating from topic'
  • Try to observe when moderator asks any one to summarize. Take that chance to do summary.
  • Don't beat around the bush. Make it simple n straight, they wud b impressed.
  • Say it 2 points.. this is our topic we have seen these n these, I hope we find a better India soon..blah blah..

Its Very simple... read n speak out. Atleast, u stand infront of mirror and start blabbering. But look at ur eyes and practice. if you feel shy, send your roomie out and practice. Please practice.
Guys, most of u have got excellent skills to prove in interview. U r the GEEKS of FINANCE n MARKETING!! but  if u cant pass this gate, it wud be waste :(

I am not a parupu, I am not a genius... but I still wanted to share this only reason, the worthy fellows than me are supposed to be there in banks like ING, etc. At the end u shud not feel what i felt during 2007 when i missed Bhartidasan :(  (Wil tel later,its not imp now)
At the end, my intention is to get u ready for ICICI tomo :D

I hope you got it dude... its for u, I am writing this. Sorry for the mistakes, i jus wrote this in 7mins hence spare me. got to go to banking class.

always the same...


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