maaa... I don want dese xams..:(

This part of my life is called the Stress time! Truly..

The T5 Term end exams are like HELL , atleast for me :(  I have never faced this kinda stress neither in my B.Tech electrical lab viva (where u find lots of sadists in EEE depts genlly) nor during my TCS interview in 2007.. The double dhamaka I was given was to write 2 exams per day, twice.

It was a high time for every one to learn TIME Management :P Yeah, less number of hours to go for exam, lots to skip, lots more to study, last minute gathering of ppts, xerox from tt and finally left with untouched xrx and ppt..ending up writing every one's own stories. Oh God.. Y this kolaveri !?!? :(

If this is one story, the q.papers are the other ! It all started with Banking exam, for which I cud not write stories.
Then Compensation... ! I really dont remember what I studied (hope RS sir shudnt read this post). But am sure I wrote some thing which is related to HR subjects :P Thanks to Babu , he taught me 2 problems just before entering the exam hall. God knows if I did correct or not ! ---TG, Day 1 mudichite---

After CM and before ISA, though I got 2 days holidays in between, I did nothing productive. By the time I wanted to study, I have no mood to :P
The very next day I gave the ISA exam where, what I studied is minute data and what I wrote is what all I know, but not what was asked. The day ended up by 12 noon,me filling the paper with the few jargon I remembered...'Guidelines,Standards,Vulnerability, Threat, prevention, Auditor, Auditee' hehe! ---hmm.. ISA done---

The next day was the forex exam. Some how gone through few theories 2-3 times,even after which I got confused what is Fischers model and what is International Fischers model !! After a slight satisfaction that I covered 4 theories, I started watching "Ye maaya chesave" the telugu version of "vinnayathandi varuvaaya" and started admiring the beauty of Samantha instead of revising my forex :P ! Frankly speaking, apart from books I liked Samantha's looks! She's awesome in that movie :D The way she presents her self in saree...aah aa...hatsoff Gautham menon ;)
And finally in to sleep by 2am. It had its cumulative effect the next mrng till 930 and also in the noon! After lunch when I thought I wil sleep for just 10minutes and slept for One hour and 10 mins :(  Lots of portion remaining to study but only one hour left !! Dint tell my frnds that I slept til noon, or else they wud've killed me :|  In the exam hall, first time ever felt so hesitant to solve any calculative part ! Nevertheless I converted any currency in to other the moment I saw 2 diff currencies :D  ---huff.. FOREX over---

Ab aagaya hamara bak 2 bak-- teenmaar !! Before I came out of the trance of Forex paper, I had to appear for my CRM exam. last nit by 12 I hardlycould  finish 4 out of 11 of my ppts and to my surprise when I got up today mrng, it was 740 and my exam was at 9 am :(  In the xam hall tried communicating with R.Majumdar where both of us donno the same thing! lol..  Its really a tough time yaar, for a person like me. I cant wake up by 8am during normal days itself, hw the hell they can expect me to write exam by 9am :(  I strongly express my dissent. 
The wonderful finishing touch,so far, was given by BI exam. Every one guessed that its gonna be an 8 qstns theory-story but not sure how it wud be. But it was different. We were asked to do some applications similar to what were taught in class... !!

Thank god, I am not those lucky guys who had many bak to bak dhamakas :| Vinod was lucky enuf to get such ;)
Still.. two more sweetest papers left for many MCO,TAX and DM !! I can c Baali sir shivering abt the MCO exam :P Some more students hav got exams til 22nd. Good, u have ample of time to prepare, unlike me u guys need it. Me, I spend time in FB n Blogspot :P Wish u all do good in those

At the end (pre climax) this winter exams gave me severe head ache n back ache bcoz of the worst engineering of the benches we sit. The space between me n my answer paper was so much that I am falling on it as an M tv model :P  

I wish you a wonderful vacation guys. I have planned alot... no no,not this year...did during last T2 holidays and succeeded in failing it :) Did none out of what I planned. Wish u guys shud n't b lik dat. Plan it. At,least finish reading one good book...(I shall also try to do...) If you want, ask me I will suggest 1 useful book.

always the same...


  1. SP sir, dont worry it's only ur last headache xam(as u wont hv many papers in last trimester).

    GUD LUCK for rest of paper specially DM.


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