Do it b4 u leave VIT..

This part of my life is called last few days. Not of my life but in my student life.

Yes, this is the time which we never get it again, if not utilized. Oh no ! I am nt sayng anythng about the academic usage one has to do ! So many ppl hav spoken alot about that .. I am speaking in terms of other moments !

Most of you are jus done with your UG and there was hardly any gap bw u missed ur buddies and got new buddies !
I know how much I missed my college days when I joined my first job. I was like you, very much attached to friends ! Eating , drinking, chatting, roaming together..always with them. Still yeh dil maange more :P It was very tough for a person like me to live after my UG days!

Fortunately am one of those few lucky guys here,who were like me. I mean, getting back to college life after couple of years of work life.

Oooo... its awesome...!! Though I do nothing great in a day, still my MBA college life is superb. Every moment is cherishable. I wish you not to miss such...

U admire some one, U respect some one, worst case U love some one !  May be some body is your competitor but till now you've not spoken with him/her ! Just say a HI. Let your ego rest in peace. Say a 'HI', Who knows , they are very much looking forward to be your friend !! Ha, !?!
All these days we were with our comfy circles, cozy groups yet we always feel 'I want to speak to him/her once !!,  I want a photograph with him/her !!',  'Though I don have any SPL interest but I knw she/he's good person. Let me speak once'.., These kind of thoughts r in every one... if not, most of us.

May be you wanna ask some one for a coffee, DO IT ! There's nothing harm in saying "Hi" and asking for a coffee. Its far better than sending a FB request and getting denied or getting accepted and still hesitating to LIKE/COMMENT her status :D
Celebrate your buddies' bdays. Make it more cherishable. Make it a life time memory for him/her ! (S)He shud cry not bcz of the bday bumps u give, but bcz of the bonding u show !!!  Buy your loved ones small gifts, I knw ur pocket money is less hence said small gifts. Let your loved ones know that U really care them.
A Hug will do. It speaks 1000 words with its silence! Give IT !! Give a proper one. A small thank you message or a small card would do. It says 'U mean ALOT to THEM' !!!
Let them know, "Your love for them is more than yesterday and less than tomorrow". Trust me, they gonna BE with u, even if you want to LEAVE them !!!
"I wish I had been to a tour with my gang of MBA frnds! Alas... Lost it!! Gone are those days !! My friends are not with me now."  Don let this pop up out of your brains !!
Stop watching all the series/movies all the time. Jump out of your bed now, plan it , make it... go for a trip. Go for a picnic. Bunk a day classes.
Guys, am telling u... u wil never ever get this time n these frnds again :| May be every one of ur group are in contact, but its hard to find a holiday (common for all of u) to spend. More over once you start earning, u'll have many more ready responsibilities/burdens/commitments !!!
Make your room a colorful place on earth. Later you should not complain, I don have a place esp meant for ME. Guys, we stay in a shared houses when V r bachelors. I bet you, they gonna be worse !!
But we are lucky enough we r paying lots to VIT Hostels. Lets make our room how we really wnt it. Stick the posters, write slogans , put notepads, stick pads, color prints of the famous quote u have... Put the best slogan that always alerts u, 'NOW or NEVER' kinda...!!! At the end of the day, U shud feel U r in HEAVEN..its ur ROOM !!!
Apart from friends, the faculty or the people whom you want to thank always but hesitate ! (You are smiling, I know... !!)
Go n meet them, jus tell them that THANK U ! Go alone. (Don go in groups. When u r in group u hesitate to express) Thank HIM !! Erase the feeling the Prof has, "this fellow doesnt even luk at me after the sem exams" !!!

At the end... I simply laugh in myself when I see a pic posed infront of FC imitating my friends, or pulling their leg, random clikz for no reason !!
My face becomes 100W candle when I see any birthday celebrations. Though the cake is small, the numerous hands that fall on it to grab the cream, not to eat but to apply on the face of B day baby :)
I some times go in deep silence when I c a group pic of farewell..   Truly memorable n cherishable.
I wish I know much english to put these feelings in a word !!!

Do what all you can, Dear ! bcz this is the PG. 99% of people wont be studying again. Even if u do, u wil hesitate to enjoy, unlike how u do now.
Thats the very reason y I am writing now.

Live Life Like U Never Lived !! Live it today !! Live till April :)

Thanks for the read..
always the same author...
feel free to share if u like it !!


  1. As soon as I opened this post.. i thought OMG.. do I have to read this big post.. but while reading "At the end.." I felt .. Oh NO.. its going to end..
    Liked it very much... DO IT... IF NOT NOW WHEN? Simple words and amazing message.. Thanks for making me to memorise.... those days :)

  2. It was just a few days back when I have read Chetan Bhagat's first Novel and soon enough in quick time I have finished his all. Why am telling you this because I think this current post of You reminds me all of Bhagat's. Though I am not comparing you with him because everyone is unique, just to tell you about my passion to read a book if it written by YOU.


  3. i can feel your thoughts while reading it ..nicely written :) keep writing


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