The Drama...T6 Hungama :O

Started with the hangover of new year celebrations, and a midst of the woes of many(NI) students who cud nt go home, T6 time table gave a big sigh to almost all !!

Though they had put up in notice board a day earlier, we were not confirmed which batch we belong to :P Nevertheless we saw a lot of betterment in the way baskets are designed and schedules are implemented. All most all people who are in all 1 batches, (A1 B1 C1 etc) are in the morning and 2s are in the noon completely! This has benefited many people especially finance guys who already had pocket full of credits. And they neither have to come in noon times :):) #A big round of applause :D

Inspite of this, many HR and Marketing students have to come in both sessions as they have got courses more than us. And here the routine drama started.. !!
As usual the moment our batches are put up, people rushed to ma'm for the form- ADD/DROP/SWAP of courses :P Ofcourse the trimester is FULLY FLEXIBLE either in the mrng or in the evng ! So day scholars started negotiating with their frnds, 'macha, pl swap da. or else I have only 2 classes, one at 8am and other at 345pm!!' For some like Baali, negotiations were successful but for many other failed. And some more people dropped the courses for this reason. bcz few courses it doesnt matter, when its for time pass (#not my opinon). 

Marketing Research as informed earlier to us,Ravikumar Sir has taken up and the response was really good. But when schedule was put up with half of the chosen guys are in to batch 2, people started coming to batch 1. Though its in air that the new Prof is teaching good, most of the people wanna move to Batch 1. Among these 60% ppl were particular abt faculty where as rest wanna shift only bcz its afternoon class. Now its 80-90 people wants ravikumar sir class :D Had the other batch also scheduled in the mrng, I guess the floating cud be normalized :):)

And when it comes to CAFA there were people who dropped bcz fav Prof is not teaching and surprisingly there are people who took it for the same reason ;)
[Jus info: He's from WIPRO and left his job where he is being paid almost Rs.1 Lakh per month, jus to satisfy his hunger of TEACHING, itseems !!] The email communication of this Prof is really good.Very professional and decent,yaar!! Let us see hw the classes wud be :O

Finally we could manage to beg a add/drop FORM escaping the scary looks of CEO! Getting approval from PM, if needed Director and VC is not a big deal but getting the YES of CEO ma'm is verrrrrrrrrry diffficult-u, u know!?!?! Its really a big task, she has to CTRL X and CTRL V ur name in 2excel tabs.Such a big task !! Oh my God. She does the hungaama as if we're living and studying only on her grace. What if she doesn't do that CTRL X, our courses wudn't hav got registered and nt even hall ticket !! Huh !!

Though inner U says, every thing will happen HERE..still this itself is a small worry,'will I get the course or not. What if my result tomo is negative' :P. Yeah, the results were out as I said. After writing all the exams we had to undergo another exam of checking the results on boards ! :O

Yeah this time its not in internet, but in ***BS boards. I wish they had common sense while putting up such 40-50 marks sheets, in calibri 10 font, sticking some 20-25 A4 sheets on each board. Rather, they cud have hung them up or they cud pasted on walls one next to other, or worst case stick different subj at diff boards !! huh !!
People had to do asanas to check the Forex, PM marks! I had no probs I squatted down and checked few, but what abt others !?! So sad :( Some really cool guys(RVK) got so frustrated too :(
But didnt understand the logic of displaying marks! Every time when they are giving GPA score I'm not feeling the pinch, but this time felt too bad !! Satya, from 90s to 55:( As usual,I got less marks that I can be ashamed of my-selves. Had they did this in T1 results,I wud have changed lill bit (I guess:P). By God's grace I didnt hear anyone saying 'I flunked da/di' ! 

With such a chaos, we have given the bang for T6. Ofcourse it had some thing good too.Some people have got an increment before joining itself. Some got their offer letters in hand and many more waiting to !! Couple of cos coming to recruit us in next weeks.

Lets utilize the unused early mrng in sleeping more(???) and after noons with same job again(????) and evenings spending at FC, to recollect good old days of T1, saying to each other, "The starting point is the finishing point, macha!. We met at FC and we'll be leaving at FC" ,in a cinematic style, :P  Please don't do like me !

All the placed guys are worried about the certifications/exams they may have to take up and all 'yet to be' placed with the things to be groomed on !
Lets leave this place happily ! That should be the spirit !!

Lets welcome this T6 guys....

thanks for the read,
always the same


  1. Being an AVID reader of all your articles, i just have to say U hit GOLD when it comes to keeping the enthusiasm alive in the stuff U write :-)


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