L&T Infotech at VITBS in 2012

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My true experiences in the L&T Infotech placements in VITBS for the role of Management Trainee, BA for all specializations on 24th Jan 2012. Read it to enjoy it !!
My day started when my alarms in mobile lost in the task of waking me up and xctly when my friends started calling me up, for the recruitment process. Thank God... was not my feeling but their's :P. It was 745am when I got up and we're supposed to assemble by 830am :D:D Neverthless I cud reach in time with slight delay where invitees are yet to arrive at Gallery 1, TT,VIT Vellore campus.

To our (vellore campus guys) surprise this time Chennai students reached by 830am, I guess they took Kovai express ;) (no offence meant)!  The HR personnel of L&T arrived in some time where in the mean time we all, approx 150+ candidates, were doing the "L&T Infotech" (employement form) assignment:P:P.The happiest feeling this time is saving time. The PPT was conducted after the written instead of bugging every one (for those who r worried abt apti round at first place) No idea, who gave the idea but the idea was really a gud idea :) And now written test gonna start !

I shall be frank as always when I gonna speak abt this round. Also kindly don assume I say it as I am through in it or not! That doesn't/shudn't matter..:)

First of all, I am so happy when I saw the paper. It was much like a CAT, the prestigious exams in the world and one of the toughest in India. When I say 'much like', I meant the model ! For all those who never had an opportunity/necessity of tasting CAT/XAT/ or any Mgmt entrance tests, this is a good experience. 3sets of q.papers are provided where answers are to be marked in OMR sheet. [I am not sure if they have brought the machines to correct these OMRs, else its waste of time for students to darken the circles which are slightly bigger than usually been.Not even girls are applying that size of bindi now a days;) Yes, the bigger the circles the more time it takes. If at all manual correction takes place, we should not be bothered if darkened completely or ticking it, any thing should be ok !] Fine let me come to the point. The test started at 955am and it was a 90minute test with 90 questions with 3 sections with NO negative marking. Quants, Verbal and Reasoning were the three sections and sectional cut off was obvious as the candidate has to show his/her excellence/ability in all sections proportionally !

I got the set F! The quants... was absolutely easy ! Yes, I can hear some one say...'not at all easy'! But lemme call a spade a spade! The paper model was lik CAT but nt the toughness. This is some where about 50% that of CAT's! The quants questions are all basic, ver basic things. Smallest formulae and its applications. Only thing is one need to be strong with their tenth standard maths:D The AP,GP,quadratic equations, T&D, matrices.etc! Is it tough?? Not at all ! Hardly there were problems from Probability and P&C which consists of 3-4 quests that could be answered with cs factor ;) And the section: Reasoning was also quiet doable atleast 50%. Because in this section, if u strike at rit place, u get all answers obviously correct! Yeah the other half of this section had Data sufficiency questions, which needs alot of practice. Or cud be solved with understanding of logic. This has got some standard structure in TIME or CAT books, jus go through it. So DS got some 8-10 qstns. This is where people were pushed in to trouble.

And the VA part, I need not tell you. Its always honey for some one, while poison for some others ;)
But lemme say, the grammatical errors to be found, scrambled sentences, find the right sequence, find the conclusion, kind of questions are absolutely similar to CAT !
These all require preparation..no other go. Don't guess it (scrambled sentence) would be a simple 1, because every answer seems to be correct! But we can still make it if we can find what are two most sentences going together and if its the only one in choices given ;);) or do the reverse engineering.
The passage was abt Aristotle n Plato! Thanks for their dreams,it became an RC for us :P:P (don't correct it, its 'an RC', because when u pronounce the acronym, it is AAR C, it means it starts with a vowel sound hence I used AN :))

I am not assuming its equally easy for other D and E sets, but I can surely say, there would not be much difference overall.
If you got twisted in section A, I would have got punch in section B. That's all !! Over all 90 minutes was really sufficient time. I mean more than enough. If a recruiter had to test us they could have asked us to do the test in 60 mins where students could still have done it but not attempting fully!
Inspite of NO negative marking, I could not go for darkening ALL answers. Me, being the student of TIME n CAT taker, my consciousnesses dint let me do this fluke work ;) Also it affects the efficiency, if wrong and if at all that parameter is checked !

We finished the test by 1125am and we were asked to gather by 1pm after lunch.The list was put up who all are through in the first round. It was mix of people who got shocked n surprised ;) And people who were literally tensed and praying all the way, got through in that round :)

The PPT was conducted at 2:04pm and went on till 231pm. It was all about L&T Infotech and few queries of candidates. Then started the GD round , n we were given a choice of 2 topics, 1.Rahul gandhi or Narendra modi 2.Ethics is important for a corporate. By my nature I would like to choose topic 1, but I let the team decide it. So it was second topic. Obviously there's nothing to argue with. Every one wud say ETHICS is IMP! so there's no fun in discussing for the same point. rit !?!?! So I cud not jump or take a chance. To my surprise, it was 6th minute when I took a chance. Ofcourse wanted the ppl to speak where exactly they are heading to. Some one has to lead na,so they did:) It went really good. Could mention few points along with all those who spoke.Btw, for all those who think other candidates shout or don't give chance in a GD, lemme say, its your wrong notion. Don't expect some one would give u chance, its u have to take it ! No body has grudge on u, you got to come out of your shell. If u keep complaining, 'X shouted, I cudnt speak; Y spoke many times I forgot my point..' then u got to wait for a long time. Its upto us how better we communicate even if we have small or single point! So do ur duty, speak out...some times speaking crap also works. I saw when some 1 did it :P
May be I am still in hangover of ING, was thinking, 'only 2 ppl will be shortlisted and as there were better performers my name would nt be there'. But came to this world when Kalai called out my name too and they shortlisted 5 people from my panel. But unfortunately next panel had 2 or 3 itseems. But its nt same for last 2 panels. So out of 40+ some where around 20 were ready for interview!

The interview was an HR interview where few questions were asked about technical stuff too, to assess the confidence of candidate in his/her subject only but not to literally test the core finance/marketing stuff ! That's what any HR does. They are experts. They can assess a candidate, u all know that pretty well ! Few of the candidates were asked the basic things, no idea if the HR asked HR students their own subjects :D:D Afterall, its her subject na.. !!

"The interview went good" thats wat most of the candidates replied. Results would be announced later through an email. Once shortlisted,candidates are supposed to come to Chennai office for the final round of Technical !

Keeping my fingers crossed, ended my hectic day(of continuously sitting) after watching Amitabh's AARAKSHAN :D:D

(to be continued.....if the winners share their exp wit me)

always the same,
satya gupta


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