MBA Placements so far... 2010-2012

This post is abt the update of the placements and the few details about those.
Starting with TCS we had some cos walking in and walking out with single digit mostly and few with double! There mit be,some times,no relation or proportion with the rest of the VIT placements. Every MBA grad feels,"I wish if every company take atlst 2, by this time we all cud have been placed ;)" Sounds like funny but that's true. Becoz, this is VIT. We have hell lot of cos coming in. Ofcourse finance cos like MS Cholamandalam, India Bulls, etc too walk in but not for MBAs :P! Dont ask me Y, even I feel the same..(wt_)!!
Nevertheless we have our own PAT officers struggling for us. Thanks to them !!

I would say its the foolishness if,after seeing the results, one say, students are incompetent or not working hard. Bcz a company dont need MBA grads as large in number as how they need techies. Also the eligbility criterion may differ. Some techies were allowed even with standing arrears, where as for an MBA he/she cudnt be allowed to sit, even if he had given retest ages ago (in his B.Tech) !!  Keeping these apart, the students are trying their best to get placed with the oppurtunities we are left with !!

Jus find out the table below to find the cos that recruited us.The packages are almost as mentioned. Some might have been revised too !!

Please find the spreadsheet at the below space, to get the info: " "

(after the day I posted this actually, there were many cos walked in VITBS. But am lazy to update them.. Wil do it one fine day. thx)

always the same,


  1. one more cud b added, "Std Chartd"...nd thnx for the update.


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