The YOGI in trousers..

At this point of my life I feel I am The Luckiest, because I could speak about few of The Best! I have been trying to write about the Prof since many months but my experiences stop to pop out in the form of explanation ! Yes, they were all my experiences, our experiences in his class.

It was during T5, I remember the day when I came out of the lift, rushing to my classroom but not missing to see who's in other classes, I had to pass by a room where I have seen a person, at his first (distant) appearance I felt, 'Who is this Maharshi? That too in Trousers n shirts instead of being in Dhoti !! What is he doing in VITBS !?!' , and laughed in myself and moved on !

After sitting jobless for a week or so, for a course we have taken(waiting for prof) the news was like a rain in the desert ! After 75 minutes of my mrng class, when I came out, my friend Gurujeevan came to me in excitement and said, 'Satya, Banking Prof has come ! I bet u wud luv the class!', thats all what he said. I entered the class, to my surprise that Maharshi is none other than our Banking Prof. Sreeraman !!

The first look of the person would definitely make any one, to make a traditional pranaam/vanakkam/namaskar. The personality seems to be complete, and looks like storage tank of energy ! The voice shows the stamina of controlling the class, given any number ! The man whose forehead is filled with vibuthi,chandan lines and kumkum on it, with his long beard and deeply placed big eyes, with its keen observation of any corner makes me feel like he is a Maharshi(Sanskrit word)! The Prof has got many qualifications starting from A to Z, I guess only the MBBS is untouched, but he is in to Law, he is into audit, he is in to Managing a company and many other tasks on demand!

On the day 1, what impressed me alot was the explanation he gave for Eliott wave principle in technical analysis of Stock market.That was PERFECT ! I wish my other Prof who taught me this, were in the same class to know 'How teaching shud be rather than jus asking us to conceptualise!'  It comes only with rigorous reading and exploring resources, which pops out of the zeal or quest for the thirst of knowledge! The way he says is like a non stop train. He hits at ground basics and bring all the meaning and why, when what of the point and presents infront of us. Thats it. No more query would pop up. All info is clearly explained ! (I can imitate but cant write it here!) If some thing is learnt with that quest, u can never forget. What makes his class this interesting is the depth of knowledge. When he speaks/teaches you can understand his enormous information and proper delivery of it! Thats what is needed to become right teacher. He resembles the Guru in good olden epics. Only difference is he dresses up in trousers some times. Rest all, same amount of knowledge, I feel.

When he starts the class, for namesake its our Banking class, but we all eagerly wait for his explanations on various topics.He speaks about Satyam Scam, not the one just news papers write but deep investigation of it. The one he had done to find out all leads n link the clues! He explains how politics effected nations finance with its scams. He narrates us the financial crisis of India during the period of Nehru, to PV.N.rao etc. Such a nice narration he does.I often felt it similar to how passionately Gurcharandas explained in his "India Unboud"! Prof seems as if he is old fashioned but absolutely not. He is upto date with youth stuff too.., from Mallyas to Deepika padukone, even ! ;) He gave a nice smile when he said it.That was the only peaceful one!

He is serious. Don get me wrong, he is serious in what he says, he is not angry ! He always welcomes us for queries. The way he controls the class is absolutely simple. because he doesnt control it but students give up being chaotic. He has the powerful audibility that can catch slightest beep of the mobile! Even when the class was fully packed with 70+ students.. no one utters a word. Even the most childish,mischievous moron of the entire MBA too, sits quiet !!

The Prof hails from Salem(read it as say-lum), reaches Vellore on every wed'day early morning to take a class for our juniors by 8AM, and stays back till Thursday late evening. There he starts STANDING! Yeah! Wud u believe this, he doesnt sit in his class, nor he stops teaching for a while, nor takes a break for tea/coffee. Most of the times its the  tight schedule where we had continuous classes at a stretch. One day he hardly had time to take lunch, n he started the class again with a juice instead of lunch!! And even then he doesn't show the restlessness nor tiresomeness. He acts, no.. he lives as if teaching is his food. That itself fills his stomach I guess. And coming to jr.s, I feel they r lucky guys, to learn from him. in 1st year itself !!

Another good quality is the straight forwardness.It may hurt many at times, but he doesn't want to hurt any one/student later by his sweet talks now."He calls a spade a spade".Very often I come across such people and most of the people doesnt like such ppl but I like these kind of people very much! [Another example was my manager at my work place, named Madhu.K. He is also a similar kind of !] May be the reason I'm also like dat, I like such people :)

Though his eyes look so pleasant, I could read some hidden message in those. May be its his 40+ yrs of hard work how he spent his life in teaching and sharing the knowledge! He ardently says us,"I am so lucky for I have been taught by teachers who were teachers by choice but not by chance, and the same knowledge I can share with you guys. So please share the knowledge u have,don't keep it with in you." 
At the same instant, we too felt, 'Yes Prof, even we have few and you are one among those'. He urges us to study well.
He says 'when you cant analyse your self where you are, there's no point in studying MBA'. He also advises,'if you want to work for 2 yrs and then want to get in to business, I shall say..its blunder. Stop thinking like dat, go get in to business. Only then you can learn'. Wah.. really true.

I can truly say the embodiment of positive energy strored and stored and filled is called Sreeraman!
(Sorry I dont have better photo)
He often travels across the country wrt to his corporate relations. I dont know exactly hence I dont scribble some thing randomly but knew he is holding many jobs. He is the most wanted for many banks, not for any NPA but for recruitment ! He himself sits in the panel to find out who is Right Guy !! So if you have a query how to perform,when asked he gives you a clear picture of what is what and the decision is yours.

He encourages and values every student and every task of them. Be it the smallest assignment or the final presentations ! On the last day I remember the students were with him in batches till 10PM and you know when the process started?? It was around 12 noon :| He is true to himself and the profession. You may ask me, 'how do u know,Satya?', I wud say, "Some things need not be told. You see a person, you can understand"

Being the visiting faculty he had less time to spend with us hence such tight schedules.Inspite of our special requests to Baali n Babu, they could not attend atleast one of his classes :(. am sorry to say,both of u missed his delivery of speech ! And still many others who have not known such person exists in VITBS !! It was so unlucky that we hardly had 20-25 classes of interaction with him. Apart from course and classes, out of 120 students, I believe most of the people have not understood his message properly ! Had it been full time Prof, students cud have had much scope, I believe!

Truly speaking that was very less time  for me.I wish I had a chance to interact with him like a PhD student! Any one would feel the peaks of his determination when listened to his last few words in our class, 'I wish I continue teaching til my last breath and I wish that last breath should be in a class room'!  No more words, class was pin drop silent and water rolling in my eyes! It was 13 yrs ago in my 9th std, when Bheula ma'm left the school, I felt bad and my eyes filled with tears.. and then its The Prof!
[I immediately called up my Dad to share this, in spite of sharing so many times about all my best faculty here!]
No idea why I felt that emotional but truly, he is ADORABLE! The appearance, the keenness, the understanding, the communication, the sagacity, the pleasant looking eyes and many., all together makes me call him The YOGI (The man who masters many arts) !!

This is just an excerpt of what we know Mr.Sreeraman as our beloved Professor. Wish VITBS doesn't miss him ever.
Dear Sir, no idea how many people did, but u surely touched OUR HEARTS !! Hats off to U sir !

Dear reader, Don't miss the PS !

always the same,
Satya Prakash.M

(feel free to share only if u like it)


  1. I would say,it's amazingly written by you with a perfect blend of words for such an adorable person.
    I would add one of my favorite Quote said by him "i Would never trouble unless trouble troubles me"
    Am i right satya?

    1. :) Yes Mr.Raghava! I wish I had such patience to sit in both of his classes of Banking 1 & 2 to listen to him for more time :)

  2. Now this one came as a very mature one. Liked, appreciated, clapped, thought, call backed....these are the things which is happening during studying this particular blog. I must say, I too felt a change of thinking(about banking industry at least if not much about way of professional life). And yes even I can also see a change in your blog when it's written on The Great Professor. Hats off to You Both. I request you to both keep delivering ideas and thoughts.

    1. Amit, I am skipping my bf and lunch bcz of yr f/b :) thanks for that support !!

  3. Prof Sreeraman was an amazing and inspirational teacher. What was more motivating was that, he viewed young people not as empty vessels to be filled, but as candles to be lit.

    And the essence of our experience with Sir has been brought out vividly in your post :):)....Wonderful narration:)

    1. There u r Ms.Joseph ! U r rit. I forgot that, but cant edit it. Wish to see such articles from your blog,ji !!

  4. I have no words to say how i felt learning from him.. He is one genius and the respect for him is very huge.. And yes satya he truly touched our hearts. Hats off to you sir!! I really wish i have another opportunity to learn from you!!

  5. awesome blend of words satya :) he was a great prof :)he has awesome patience.... we have still lots and lots to learn fron him....... :)

    1. Thanks for that, Anu ! and yeah indeed alot !!
      (sorry but which Anu:( )

  6. onethng i could cleary tell iss..... many of us may not be satisfied with da VITBS in terms of education,placement, management etc......
    But am Sure every one who had a great opportunity to be and interact with such Professors(whom you write on ur blog). These all experiences will sure make all of us think ourselves, motivates and learn many things in personal and change our attitude in living... and what NOT!!!!!(many i could say). I hope all these would be sufficient to make us confident and successfull in our life :):). This is da hope i could get because of these professors from VITBS. :):)

    Its really a great work from you SATYA ji... Go ahead!!!!

  7. I would say Prof. Sreeraman was really amazing and adorable...Wen sir starts delivering inspirational stuffs i use to get goosebump.. Word YOGI is perfect for sir... i wish we'll get another chance to get more knowledge from our Genius sir...

    Satya .. this is really touchy and narration work done by u is very good :)

    1. Exactly Himanshi! U quoted it rit !
      and thx for the f/b :)

  8. Satya.., felt really good to read about our own most respected and never to be missed Professor. :)

    His in-depth knowledge in all aspects is immeasurable ! His patience, passion for teaching, his love for his mother, his lectures, his motivational words, his straightforwardness and of course his specific words during our last class (highlighted in blue by you) can never be forgotten !! :) Not to miss his humorous sense !! :) People who can understand Tamil would have definitely laughed aloud hearing his inflow of humor in all his lectures. :) Yet another Professor.., who will be remembered for long !! :)

    Great work Satya.., keep writing ! :)

    1. Wah Kar, it was more lik u've summarised entire thread :) And yeah forgot to mention the same, which I was one of those who missed to ustand the humorous incidents he used to share in tamil :(
      Thanks alot for the response made :)

  9. Prof. Sreeraman sir was really excellent teacher i have ever seen.. he is just super :)


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